I Tried This Tiktok-Famous Curling Iron — & My Hair Has Never Looked Better
Written by Karina Hoshikawa at refinery29.com
When it comes to my hair, I tend to live by the mantra "less is more." I have naturally thick tresses, so I often just let genetics do the heavy lifting in my daily routine. However, due to my mixed-race ethnicity, my texture is neither straight nor wavy and very prone to frizz. While most days I roll out of bed, brush my hair, and that's it, I love how my hair looks when I actually take time to style it properly — and I just found the tool of my dreams in Mermade's Pro Hair Waver, which has been making waves (heh) on TikTok and Instagram.
I hadn’t heard of the Australian beauty brand before, but after seeing model Josephine Skriver try the hero tool on Instagram, I knew I had to try it out ASAP. I was obsessed with how her hair looked; it was so effortlessly chic and tousled! I usually curl my hair with my tapered T3 wand or GHD curling iron, so trying out a triple-barrel iron was a new experience for me, but the jumbo size actually makes styling your hair faster. Think of it like a giant, much chicer crimping iron. Because of its size, however, I noticed that the Mermade was significantly heavier than any other tool I’ve used, so that’s something to know going into it if your upper body strength is... lacking.